Day 2: Daily routine with a suprise on top

Living life as a superhuman can be difficult. Borderline stressful. It comes with a list of perks...and an even longer list of downsides. For example, having power makes everyday life more bearable. You save on travel costs when it comes to work, you can get yourself out of a bad spot in terms of safety and they generally provide all-round convenience when it comes to completing your tasks and activities.

However, they do come with the downsides of making it difficult to get a stable job due to....well, fear from the rest of the population. Companies, public and private will view you as a flight risk because they'll feel they can't reign you in due to difference in genetic nature, and they're terrified of the possibility of you turning into a national threat, so that makes applying for jobs a nightmare. Add to that the general prejudice of those who have abilities and you have the textbook blueprint for a superhero origin story. This isn't one of those though, I can assure that.

With that in mind, in order to cope better with the change, a process is developed to keep the mind, body and spirit busy. In my case, I was lucky to land a job as an intern in government, even with the general fear of my power, which, by the way is a combination of 2 abilities, Cryokinesis( ability to create, control and manipulate ice and cold) and Fulgurkinesis(same statement as the former ability, but this one is lightning)

Work is for the mind. My job as an intern keeps me busy during the day, assisting clients, submitting reports, compiling files. For the body, I've got weights and martial arts. Well, mainly martial arts, which I find more fun for obvious reasons hehe. Finally, for the spirit, it's meditation, and a few sessions of gaming here and there. 

All these together make for a very balanced and normal life. Well, as normal as can possibly be. Though sometimes, there can be...curve balls thrown to mix things up. For example, a disaster here and there. In the case of today,  it's an Earthquake. Terrific....

Let's see how my balance pays off for this one...


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